SUAC芸術経営統計 調査結果(2012年度)

集計1-2 人材

集計表A1 全体 職員数(総数、平均値、中央値) 団体種別 Table A1. All organizations, number of employees (total, average, median), by organization type[Excel:11.8KB]

集計表A2 全体 職員数(総数) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A2. All organizations, number of employees (total), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:12.4KB]

集計表A3 全体 職員数(平均値) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A3. All organizations, number of employees (average), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:12.5KB]

集計表A4 全体 職員数(中央値) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A4. All organizations, number of employees (median), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:12.2KB]

集計表A5 全体 女性職員数(総数) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A5. Total, number of female employees (total), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:11.8KB]

集計表A6 全体 女性職員数(平均値) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A6. Total, number of female employees (average), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:11.9KB]

集計表A7 全体 女性職員数(中央値) 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A7. Total, number of female employees (median), by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:11.7KB]

集計表A8 全体 女性職員比率 団体種別 雇用形態別 Table A8. Total, percentage of female employees, by organization type, by type of employment[Excel:12.1KB]

集計表A9 美術館 職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A9. Museum, number of employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.3KB]

集計表A10 美術館 職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A10. Museum, number of employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.8KB]

集計表A11 美術館 職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A11. Museum, number of employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.1KB]

集計表A12 美術館 女性職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A12. Museum, number of female employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12KB]

集計表A13 美術館 女性職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A13. Museum, number of female employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.3KB]

集計表A14 美術館 女性職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A14. Museum, number of female employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.8KB]

集計表A15 美術館 女性職員比率 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A15. Museum, percentage of female employees, by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.4KB]

集計表A16 劇場・音楽堂 職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A16. Theater and concert hall, number of employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.3KB]

集計表A17 劇場・音楽堂 職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A17. Theater and concert hall, number of employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.7KB]

集計表A18 劇場・音楽堂 職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A18. Theater and concert hall, number of employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.3KB]

集計表A19 劇場・音楽堂 女性職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A19. Theater and concert hall, number of female employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.9KB]

集計表A20 劇場・音楽堂 女性職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A20. Theater and concert hall, number of female employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.1KB]

集計表A21 劇場・音楽堂 女性職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A21. Theater and concert hall, number of female employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.1KB]

集計表A22 劇場・音楽堂 女性職員比率 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A22. Theater and concert hall, percentage of female employees, by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.5KB]

集計表A23 実演芸術団体 職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A23. Performing arts organization, number of employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.3KB]

集計表A24 実演芸術団体 職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A24. Performing arts organization, number of employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.6KB]

集計表A25 実演芸術団体 職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A25. Performing arts organization, number of employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12KB]

集計表A26 実演芸術団体 女性職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A26. Performing arts organization, number of female employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.8KB]

集計表A27 実演芸術団体 女性職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A27. Performing arts organization, number of female employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.2KB]

集計表A28 実演芸術団体 女性職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A28. Performing arts organization, number of employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.7KB]

集計表A29 実演芸術団体 女性職員比率 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A29. Performing arts organization, percentage of female employees, by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.4KB]

集計表A30 自治体文化財団 職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A30. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.7KB]

集計表A31 自治体文化財団 職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A31. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.2KB]

集計表A32 自治体文化財団 職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A32. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.6KB]

集計表A33 自治体文化財団 女性職員数(総数) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A33. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of female employees (total), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.5KB]

集計表A34 自治体文化財団 女性職員数(平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A34. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of female employees (average), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12KB]

集計表A35 自治体文化財団 女性職員数(中央値) 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A35. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, number of female employees (median), by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:11.4KB]

集計表A36 自治体文化財団 女性職員比率 職種別 雇用形態別 Table A36. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, percentage of female employees, by occupation, by type of employment[Excel:12.1KB]

集計表A37 劇場・音楽堂 館長・芸術監督数(総数、平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別[Excel:11.5KB]

集計表A38 実演芸術団体 役員数(総数、平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別[Excel:11.2KB]

集計表A39 実演芸術団体 芸術に関する責任者(芸術監督・プロデューサー等)数(総数、平均値) 雇用形態別[Excel:11.1KB]

集計表A40 自治体文化財団 役員数(総数、平均値) 職種別 雇用形態別[Excel:11.1KB]

集計1-3 財務

集計表D1 全体 収入額(総額) 団体種別 Table D1. All organizations, revenue (total), by organization type[Excel:12.6KB]

集計表D2 全体 収入額(平均値) 団体種別 Table D2. All organizations, revenue (average), by organization type[Excel:12.9KB]

集計表D3 全体 収入額(中央値) 団体種別 Table D3. All organizations, revenue (median), by organization type[Excel:12.7KB]

集計表D4 全体 支出額(総額) 団体種別 Table D4. All organizations, expenditure (total), by organization type[Excel:12KB]

集計表D5 全体 支出額(平均値) 団体種別 Table D5. All organizations, expenditure (average), by organization type[Excel:12.2KB]

集計表D6 全体 支出額(中央値) 団体種別 Table D6. All organizations, expenditure (median), by organization type[Excel:11.9KB]

集計表D7 美術館 収入額(総額、平均値、中央値) 運営形態別 Table D7. Museum, revenue (total, average, median), by type of management[Excel:14.9KB]

集計表D8 美術館 支出額(総額、平均値、中央値) 運営形態別 Table D8. Museum, expenditure (total, average, median), by type of management[Excel:12.8KB]

集計表D9 劇場・音楽堂 収入額(総額、平均値、中央値) 運営形態別 Table D9. Theater and concert hall, revenue (total, average, median), by type of management[Excel:15.9KB]

集計表D10 劇場・音楽堂 支出額(総額、平均値、中央値) 運営形態別 Table D10. Theater and concert hall, expenditure (total, average, median), by type of management[Excel:13.3KB]

集計表D11 実演芸術団体 収入額(総額) 芸術分野別 Table D11. Performing arts organization, revenue (total), by art form[Excel:13.4KB]

集計表D12 実演芸術団体 収入額(平均値) 芸術分野別 Table D12. Performing arts organization, revenue (average), by art form[Excel:13.6KB]

集計表D13 実演芸術団体 収入額(中央値) 芸術分野別 Table D13. Performing arts organization, revenue (median), by art form[Excel:13.1KB]

集計表D14 実演芸術団体 支出額(総額) 芸術分野別 Table D14. Performing arts organization, expenditure (total), by art form[Excel:12.6KB]

集計表D15 実演芸術団体 支出額(平均値) 芸術分野別 Table D15. Performing arts organization, expenditure (average), by art form[Excel:12.6KB]

集計表D16 実演芸術団体 支出額(中央値) 芸術分野別 Table D16. Performing arts organization, expenditure (median), by art form[Excel:12.2KB]

集計表D17 自治体文化財団 収入額(総額) 部門別 Table D17. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, revenue(total), by Division[Excel:13.9KB]

集計表D18 自治体文化財団 収入額(平均値) 部門別 Table D18. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, revenue(average), by Division[Excel:13.6KB]

集計表D19 自治体文化財団 収入額(中央値) 部門別 Table D19. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, revenue(median), by Division[Excel:13.3KB]

集計表D20 自治体文化財団 支出額(総額) 部門別 Table D20. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, expenditure(total), by Division[Excel:12.6KB]

集計表D21 自治体文化財団 支出額(平均値) 部門別 Table D21. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, expenditure(average), by Division[Excel:12.5KB]

集計表D22 自治体文化財団 支出額(中央値) 部門別 Table D22. Local Government Foundation for the arts and culture, expenditure(median), by Division[Excel:12.3KB]

集計1-6 事業

集計表E1 美術館 開館日数[Excel:10.7KB]

集計表E2 美術館 貸館の有無[Excel:10.4KB]

集計表E3 美術館 事業実施状況[Excel:11.1KB]

集計表E4 美術館 自主企画の総括的な役割の人の立場[Excel:11KB]

集計表E5 美術館 事業のジャンル[Excel:11.8KB]

集計表E6 美術館 展覧会以外の事業実施状況[Excel:11.6KB]

集計表E7 劇場・音楽堂 利用可能日、利用日数[Excel:49.2KB]

集計表E8 劇場・音楽堂 事業実施状況[Excel:157.7KB]

集計表E9 劇場・音楽堂 主催、共催・提携公演事業実施状況 ジャンル別[Excel:57.7KB]

集計表E10 劇場・音楽堂 普及啓発事業の実施状況[Excel:49.2KB]

集計表E11 実演芸術団体 事業実施の状況(オーケストラ)[Excel:12KB]

集計表E12 実演芸術団体 舞台公演の事業実施状況(オーケストラ以外)[Excel:11.1KB]

集計表E13 実演芸術団体 舞台公演以外の事業実施状況(オーケストラ以外)[Excel:11.7KB]

集計表E14 実演芸術団体 練習場の有無[Excel:10.8KB]

集計表E15 自治体文化財団 文化振興事業の活動分野[Excel:11.6KB]

集計表E16 自治体文化財団 文化振興事業の事業形態[Excel:11.6KB]

集計表E17 自治体文化財団 助成事業の実施状況[Excel:11.5KB]

集計表E18 自治体文化財団 助成事業の活動分野[Excel:11.1KB]

集計表E19 自治体文化財団 助成事業の対象事業[Excel:11KB]