

applied linguistics as in relating to language

エドワード サリッチ 教授  研究分野:応用言語、第二言語に関する学習
今村 理沙子 IMAMURA Risako


エドワード サリッチ Edward Sarich
My seminar focuses on applied linguistics as it relates to language teaching. We also study about data collection and basic research methods in preparation for my students to write their graduation theses in English. In the first semester of my seminar, we focus on the differences between how humans learn their first language (L1) with how they learn a second language (L2). We also look in detail at the research on individual learning differences and how it might affect language pedagogy. In the second semester, we look at several articles that discuss the principles of applied linguistics in modern day language use in preparation for students to choose a topic for their graduation theses. Examples of topics we discuss are humor, persuasiveness, gender differences, and corpus linguistics. In the following year, students focus on presenting on and writing their graduation theses.

My lectures are conducted entirely in English and students are expected to share their ideas about the seminar content in class discussions and group presentations. I also hope to provide students with an opportunity to metacognitively reflect on their own language learning experience as practical examples of how language is acquired. While all of this may sound a little scary, I assure you that there is also a lot of laughter and fun as well! I try hard to create an environment where students feel free to explore and discover language and the principles of language acquisition without being afraid to make mistakes, because that is where a lot of learning takes place.