

English Education in Japan and Global Issues

ジャック ライアン 教授  研究分野:第二言語に関する学習スタイルとライティング
星野 榛花 HOSHINO Haruka
Ryanゼミでは、「Global Issues(国際社会が取り組むべき問題)」を研究分野としていますが、現在は英語の文献(Guns, Germs and Steel) を用いて、人類の起源についての知識を深めています。授業の進め方としては、まずは最初にみんなで英会話を楽しみます。ここでは、週末の出来事などを話したり、最近の気になっているニュースについて話したりします。英会話を楽しんだ後は、文献の内容確認に入ります。
毎週1章分を家で読んできて、授業内で実際に動画を見たり、プリントを使って内容を確認していく、というスタイルです。また、私たちは卒業論文を英語で書くので、自分の研究したいテーマを英語でまとめ、Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers という教材を使って論文の書き方を少しずつ勉強しています。

ジャック ライアン Jack RYAN
My seminar is conducted in English and the main focus is on global issues. I also have an background in English education in Japan and English literature. Students who wish to join my seminar should choose to do research into one of the above general categories. Also, all students in my seminar must write their graduation thesis in English. This is a significant challenge for many students so they start working on their theses while in their third year. Because of the unique challenges of an English seminar I place special emphasis on building an open, friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Virtually everyone is familiar with the word “globalization.” However, what exactly does “globalization” mean for Japan, an island country of about 125 million people with a declining birthrate and rapidly aging population? What does it mean for the students who are the future of this country? What are the global issues that ambitious and educated young Japanese should be aware of? These are some of the questions you can expect to be addressed in my seminar.
Students considering taking my seminar should take all of the available English courses here at SUAC, including the three course “Global Studies.” Global Studies is three class module of lecture-style courses taught completely in English and is excellent preparation for an all-English seminar.