
CUI Xuesong

CUI Xuesong

Associate Professor

  • Department of Intercultural Studies

E-mail g-sai@suac.ac.jp

Research Keywords:
East Asian Society and Culture, Multicultural Process, Cross-cultural Communication
Degrees Ph.D. (Language and Society), Hitotsubashi University (2011)
M.A. (Language and Society), Hitotsubashi University (2002)
B.A. (Literature), Yanbian University (1996)
Selected Professional Experiences
  • Research Fellow, Hitotsubashi University (2011-2014)
  • Part-time lecturer, The University of Tokyo (2012-2014)
Research Fields Chinese Society, History of Asian International Relations, Linguistic Sociology
Major Publications
  • Tyugoku niokeru kokumin tougou to gairai genngo bunka [National Integration and Foreign Language Culture in China]. Tokyo: Sodosha, 2013. (in Japanese)
  • Asian Community and Coexistence in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Cultural Contexts. Kelaniya University, Press. pp.243-267. 2013.
  • "Hokutouajia niokeru esuperannto unndou to kokusairenntai katudou" [Esperanto movement and international solidarity in Northeast Asia]. in TANI Mariko, SHIODE Hirokazu and YUNG Ying-yue eds. Henyousuru kanann to kajinn nettowa-ku no gennzai [The Present of Transforming South China and the Chinese Network] :Fukyosha , pp.179-195. 2014. (in Japanese)
  • "Higashi Ajia niokeru esuperannto unndou" [Esperanto movement in East Asia]. In KIM Hyang nam eds. Ajia no sougorikai no tameni [For Mutual Understanding in Asia]. Tokyo: Sodosha , pp.81-96. 2014. (in Japanese)
  • "Sennkannki no tyuugoku tishikijinn ga kanngaeta sekaigo toshiteno esuperannto to kokusairentai "[Esperanto as a world language and international solidarity conceived by Chinese intellectuals during the interwar period]. in KWEON Youngjun. Rekishi bunnka karamiru higashi ajia kyoudoutai . [East Asian Community from the Viewpoint of History and Culture] .Tokyo: Sodosha, pp.180-200. 2015. (in Japanese)
Academic Organizations Japan Association for Asian Studies
The Japan Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas


My research vision is to produce leaders who will lead glocalization while valuing "connecting countries, companies, and people". Through the Global Leaders Program including short-term overseas surveys, the Intellectual Property Utilization Business Idea Presentation Program, and the Nikkei STOCK League, I strive to cultivate a sense of the field in a glocalized society and address changes in the Chinese-speaking world and various problems around the world. My hope is that students will acquire the ability to seek solutions, develop a wide range of research and analytic abilities, and the skills to present research in Japanese, Chinese, and English before graduation and finding employment.