



  • Department of Art Management
E-mail a-minamida@suac.ac.jp
Website https://researchmap.jp/intercultural-5931
Research Keywords:
Singapoere, Cultural Policy, Arts Management, Community, Social Inclusion
Degrees Ph.D. (Arts) Kobe University
M.A.(Arts) Kobe University
B.A. (Arts) Kobe University / B.Mus. Osaka College of Music
Selected Professional Experiences Doctral Research Fellow of JSPS, Kobe University (2016-2018)
Visiting Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) (2016-2017)
Research and Educational Asociate, Osaka College of Music  (2018-2020)
Post Doctoral Research  Fellow of JSPS, Kyusyu University (2020-2021)
Part-time Lecture, Kyusyu University  (Special Lecture of Arts Management) (2020-2022
Research Fields Sociology of the Arts, Cultural Policy and Arts Management
Major Publications
  • The Art of Anti-Exclusion. (Felicia Low (ed). Trafford Publishing, 2018)
  • Bunka Jigyou no Hyouka Hando Bukku: Aratana Kachi wo Syakai ni Hiraku(SAL Book3) [HandBook for Assesment of Arts and Cultural Projects: Opening the New Value to the Society] , Agency for Cultural Affairs and Kyusyu University Collaborated Team (ed), Suiyousya, 2021. 
  • "Nurturing “Intermediaries” through Music and Arts Management: A Case Study of Klongtoey D-Jung", Mekong Cultural Hub, 2020 ( in English). View Details
  • Thinking about the Future: Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion. Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies, 2021. (in Japanese and English)
Academic Organizations The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 


Dr. Akemi MINAMIDA is a lecturer at SUAC who has done extensive research on cultural policy in Singapore and Japan, especially community arts and outreach programmes with marginalized communities.

She studied classical trumpeting and orchestra at Osaka College of Music and magicology at Kobe University (BA). Since enrolling as a master’s student at Kobe University Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, she has been researching cultural policy, in particular, outreach and community arts programs, in Singapore and Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. from Kobe University in March 2020.

Dr. MINAMIDA was a visiting student at National University of Singapore in 2013; visiting fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, from 2016 to 2017; a research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at Kobe University from 2016 to 2018; a educational assistant at Osaka College of Music from 2018 to 2020; Post-Doctoral Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at Kyushu University, Faculty of Design and a professional trumpeter.

Dr MINAMIDA has currently gained JSPS grants (KAKENHI): “Building Cultural Commons through Music Activities: Focusing on Sedentarization and Aging of Foreigners (individual research, Wakate) and  “Cultural Policies toward an Inclusive Society for Resident Foreigners: A Comparative Study between Japan, Korea and Singapore”(collaboration research). 

Some of the main publications by Dr.MINAMIDA are “The Dilemma between Cultural Policy and Arts Management in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra: National Prestige, Nation Building, Creative Economy,” Cultural Economics (Japan), 12(1), 1-13, 2015 and “Cultural Policy in Singapore from 1959 to 1965: A Case Study in Building ‘Malayan Culture’,” Cultural Policy Research, 11, 2018 etc.